I would like to talk to you today about our
Lord’s return. First Thessalonians 5:2
tells us the second coming of our Lord
will be as “a thief coming in the night.”
Like a thief, He will come unannounced.
What will he take away? Malachi 3:17 tells
us that he is after the greatest jewels of
this universe. “And they shall be mine,
sayeth the Lord, in that day when I make
up my jewels; and I shall spare them, as a
man spares his own son that serves him.”
Our Lord has announced his intentions.
What he takes away will be in the
“twinkling of an eye.”
Recently, I was talking to a young lady
about the second coming of Christ. She
stopped me with these words, “Do not say
anything else until I ask mother about
this!” Later, she was anxious to tell me,
“Mom, says it is true.”
Moms, tell your daughters that it is true.
Fathers, tell your sons that Jesus is
coming back one day for His Jewels. He
will take only the genuine. Those who are
adorned as His bride. And those who are
watching and prepared for his arrival.
Our Lord Jesus will take only his own.
You need not be left behind. You can be
ready by simply asking him to come into
your heart and turning your life over to
his control. He said he would return, and
his promises are sure.
Father, let us look for that blessed hope
and glorious appearance of our Lord.
In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. John 14:2-3 KJV