Abraham’s Faith


I would like to talk to you about

increasing your faith. Remember the

story of Joshua and the ten spies who

refused to claim the promised land

because of unbelief and fear. We can see

their mistakes. God was fighting the

battle, and they knew it. Fear causes us to

forfeit the best blessings. Change is often

frightening but faith will bring a change

in our hearts and life. When God called

Abraham to leave his country, his home,

and his relatives, he had no idea where

God wanted to lead in his life. But

Abraham believed that God’s promises

could be trusted.


I met the Lord on my 28th birthday and

baptized on Easter Sunday. I did not

know what God was planning, but that

year, I sold my home, and gave up friends

and employment. Rita and I moved three

small children to a place that was

unknown to us where we spent four years

at Bible College. God multiplied

everything that we had left behind.


Stepping out to claim God’s blessings

does not necessarily mean moving or

leaving family and friends, but it will

mean a change in what is important. God

may simply ask you to get up earlier every

day to spend more time in prayer with

Him, or simply help a neighbor. Whatever

God is asking you to do, the promised

territory is waiting to be taken today by



Father, give me the courage and the

boldness to claim all that is mine in Christ

Jesus today.



But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.  Hebrews 11:6 KJV

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