Owe No Man Anything

I would like to talk to you today about

the Bible command that instructs us to

“owe no man anything except to love

him.” Several years ago, a young man

was voted into the position of Mayor

in Cleveland, Ohio. In no time, he had

exhausted the city’s credit and was

asking the federal government to come

to his rescue. But the government is in

debt, too. Who is not in debt these days?


I recently consulted with a couple on the

fringe of divorce. They fought constantly

about their bills. Nineteen credit cards.

All maxed to the limit. What misery!

Jesus loved us enough to insert in his

teaching, “Owe no man anything except

to love him.” (Romans 13:8) How could

I even love others if my heart is burdened

with debts that I cannot pay?


When pastoring at our church, I attended

a money management conference for

church leaders. God moved on my heart

with the principles of being debt free. I

praised God that I did not owe much.

Following the conference, I destroyed the

few credit cards that I had, except one

card for identification. My home is an

investment. It was not debt free at the

time. The credit cards were a beginning.

I will not charge at 18% again. St Paul

instructs the believer to share the gospel

with others. To default means spiritual



Father, help me to control my material

desires so that I might fulfill my spiritual

debt to my neighbor.


Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.  Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.  Romans 13:7-8 KJV

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