Overwhelmingly Sad

Overwhelmingly sad on so many levels

Let alone Lazarus was mistreated

Death had now defeated

Lazarus was received

The rich man was damned

Time for mercy was PAST

No longer dispensed OR amassed

ETERNAL torment AND comfort had BEGUN

On earth, Lazarus WOULD HAVE

Enjoyed fine linen, feasting and care

But the rich man with EXCESS

Had NONE to spare


Now, tormented in agony

The fortunes are reversed

The rich man no longer rich

And Lazarus no longer poor or sick


The FORMER rich man

Now wished for Lazarus’ service

On earth, Lazarus was not

Deemed worthy to deserve

NOW he was requested

To fetch a DRIP of water

Request denied was the reply

REMEMBER, Abraham said

You had your goods

You had your stead

Lazarus was mistreated

And the chasm is spread


Then, if my fate is sealed

Send my SERVANT to my brothers

Warn them if you please

To avoid this destiny


Request denied was the reply

Moses and the prophets have been sent

Your brothers can hear THEM and repent


But if Lazarus came back from the dead

The rich man plead

My brothers would listen and action


No, they wouldn’t be persuaded



How terribly sad

Tho’ Lazarus AND Jesus

BOTH rose from the dead

They are not believed

And the time for mercy will PASS to eternity

This cycle repeats daily

Sad – Overwhelmingly

So Overwhelmingly Sad

Then a large crowd of the Jews learned he was there. They came not only because of Jesus but also to see Lazarus, the one he had raised from the dead. But the chief priests had decided to kill Lazarus also, because he was the reason many of the Jews were deserting them and believing in Jesus. John 12:9-11 CSB

Who needs to hear this?