Waiting On The Lord

I would like to talk to you today about

waiting on the Lord. If you are waiting

for a bus to Chicago and it did not arrive,

you would think me foolish to suggest

that you take the very next bus to Dayton.

Yet sometimes we are like that with the

Lord’s plan for our life.


God wanted to bless Abraham as the father

of a chosen nation. But Sarah, who was 90

years old, did not yet have a son. How could

he be a father of an entire nation? Because

of impatience he substituted his own plan

and had son a by Sarah’s handmaid. The

seed of that son was Ishmael, halfbrothers

with Israel. These two countries have

never known peace. You will never be

happy until you know His plan.


David Livingstone had no doubt that he

was where God wanted him in Africa.

After a brief time, he received an inquiry

from the Mission Board. “We have some

men who will come if the roads are good.”

Livingstone replied, “If you have men who

will go only where the roads are good, I

do not need them. Send me men who

will go where there are no roads.”


I like to see a believer who will pray

about God’s will until he finds it and

then moves in faith without being able

to see the end of it all. Do not be afraid

to follow him when you cannot see where

He is leading.


Even in the darkest hours, God is awake.


Father, give me quietness of heart that

I may hear you speak today.


But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.  Isaiah 40:31 KJV

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