God’s Love

I would like to talk to you today about

love. Have you ever found yourself in a

situation where you had to work with

someone you could not love? Remember

that God loves that person as much as He

loves you and me. What an impressive

thought! It is not our ability to love,

but God’s love flowing through us into

the unlovable person with whom we

work or live. Love covers a multitude of

sins. It forgives the faults of others.


When attending Bible College, a neighbor

lady chewed my wife out good for

something she thought the children

had done. I was so angry at her that I

wanted to talk to her husband about

her attitude, but I did not. Later that

evening, I heard a knock. When I opened

the door, there stood my neighbor with a

large platter of freshly baked doughnuts.

“For you,” she said. How delicious! Later

that evening, there was another knock at

the door. This time she was holding a

beautiful chenille bedspread. And two nice

bed pillows. “I had these stored away and

was not using them. I am wondering if

you could use them?” she asked.

Could we ever!


When we allow God to replace our love with

His love, we become more sensitive to others.

Allow God to change you by His Love. He will

then change others where you work and live.


Father, thank you for putting me in a situation

where I might reveal your love to others today.


No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. I do not call you servants anymore, because a servant doesn’t know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have heard from my Father. John 15:13-15 CSB

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