Forgiving Others

I would like to talk with you about the

beautiful effects of love in the believer

and the peace available to you through

Christ Jesus. Real love is long-suffering.

It causes us to love our neighbor as



Recently a friend shared that he could

not pray for someone who had offended

him. As he prayed about this, God spoke

to him and said, “Pray for your brother.”

The man confessed, “I do not feel that

he is my brother.” God’s spoke again.

“Pray for him as a friend” and the man

replied, “He has betrayed me, He has

not been a friend to me.” And God

whispered, “Pray for your enemies.”


Oh, this is agape love when we can love

our enemies as ourselves. The evidence

of His love is always peace. Without it,

we are so easily offended. How I dislike

seeing a sensitive Christian with his

feelings always on his sleeve. The only

thing that will keep us from the peace

of God is ourselves. Amid problems

and disappointments, His peace may

reign undisturbed. That is the kind of

peace he desires to fill you with today.

Sometimes, as a pastor, I am amazed at

how little it takes to destroy the peace

and comfort of His children. Jesus said,

“Peace, I give. Not as the world gives,

neither can the world take it.” Peace

has been made available for you by

Christ on the cross. Accept it today.


Father, give us love for one another even

as you have loved us.


No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. I do not call you servants anymore, because a servant doesn’t know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have heard from my Father. John 15:13-15 CSB

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