Unanswered Prayers

Man looking toward heaven

I would like to talk to you today about

unanswered prayers. Do you feel that God

has not heard your prayers? Maybe you

are tempted to think that it is not His will

to answer as he did in days past. Even

Israel accused God of having a shortened

hand that could no longer save, and a

heavy ear that could not hear.


If God has not answered your prayers, do

not conclude that he does not care. We

limit God. Often, what we think is

unanswered prayer results from things in

our lives that are not pleasing to our

Heavenly Father. This is the time that we

need to get alone with God and pray the

prayer of King David, “Search me, O God,

and know my heart. Try me and know my

thoughts and see if there would be any

wicked way in me.” He will put his finger

on the one thing that is displeasing to

him, and when he does, confess it.


Do not bargain with God by saying “If this

is wrong, I will give it up.” You know if

this thing has come between you and the

Lord, no doubt, even between you and

those close to you. It will hinder your

prayer life and destroy your peace with

God. Do not allow your prayers to go

unanswered because of unbelief. Take

him at his word. Accept his promises. If

there is nothing between you and the

Lord, then all his promises belong to you.

Claim them as His child.


Father, breathe upon me and restore unto

me the peace and joy of my salvation.



If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me: But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.  Psalm 66:18-20 KJV

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