Trusting God

I would like to talk to you today about

trusting God to strengthen your faith.

According to scripture, “Faith is the

evidence of things not seen.” I do not

need faith to see the flowers or hear the

birds sing or to believe in the things which

I can see. Faith is believing what I cannot



Remember Job? He was able to say, “He

knows the way that I take.” Job does not say,

“I know the way that I take.” Would you not

like to know what God is doing? We all

would like to pull aside the veil and see the

end from the beginning. But if we could,

we would no longer need faith.


Job, during all his afflictions, found comfort

in knowing that God had a plan, even

though he did not understand God’s plan.

Every valley that we are called to pass

through, He has passed through ahead of

us. He knew what it was to be poor, he

knew what it was to be forsaken by friends

and left alone, he knew what it was to have

enemies speak evil of him. He knows what

you are passing through today. Whether it

be betrayal, rejection, sickness, or sorrow,

someday he will make it plain.


As the poem says:


God’s perfect plan I cannot see.

Some day He will make it plain to me.

Someday when His face I see.

I will understand.


Father, teach me to hold your hand when I

cannot see the way that you take.


Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV

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