True Joy

I would like to talk to you today about

rejoicing in the Son. When Mark Twain

was asked what his New Year’s resolution

would be, he replied, “I am going to live

within my income this year, even if I have

to borrow to do it.” But happiness is not

found on top of a pile of dollar bills. It is

not found in any material possessions.

Such pleasures are like a fountain about to

run dry. It bubbles up briefly for a while,

then spurts, sputters, and stops flowing.

Altogether, Jesus is the only genuine source

for rejoicing, and the key to our fulfillment.


Jesus said, “These things I have spoken that

my joy might be in you and that your joy

might be full.” The joy of the Christian life is

like a deep, quiet river whose waters are

continually replenished from heavenly

streams. True joy belongs to the believer

when the Holy Spirit is allowed to plant

salvation in the heart. Joy begins to grow at

that moment, and it is as lasting and eternal

as God himself.


The angels announced it on that first

Christmas night, “Behold we bring you good

tidings of great joy.” After two thousand

years, it is still the only source of true joy.


Father, may those who truly seek you today

find the deepest longings of their heart.


Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.  Philippians 4:4 KJV

And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord: it shall rejoice in his salvation.  Psalm 35:9 KJV

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