Storms Of Life

I would like to talk to you today about

how to gain from loss. While pastoring

a small church in the hills of Kentucky,

I visited a young woman who had planned

to sing in our church Sunday morning.

In fact, she said, my favorite song is ‘His

Eye is on the Sparrow, and I Know that

He Cares for Me.”


The following Saturday night, her

grandmother died suddenly, and within

thirty minutes, her mother also was

seized with a heart attack and died

minutes later. I had not expected her to

be at church in the morning, but later I

visited her and told her that I hope she

would plan to sing soon. “Oh, I could

not do that,” she replied. “Not after what

has happened.”


I felt that she had missed the message

of her song. Jesus told an interesting

parable of two foundations. He related

that wise men and foolish men both

have storms in their lives. The difference

is in the foundation. While both had

houses that looked good on the surface,

one would weather the storm, while the

other would see everything washed

away in disaster.


To turn loss into gain, pieces must

quickly be put back together. We must

go on with new goals and new dreams.

Allow the routine of each day to again

produce joy and delight. His words

are unchanging even after the storm.

His eye remains on the Sparrow. He

is also your shelter in the time of storm.


Father, during the storm, teach me to lean 

on you.


Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.  But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.  Matthew 10:29-31 KJV

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