Spiritual Eyesight

I would like to talk to you today about

spiritual eyesight. A story tells of two

men testifying in court about an old

boundary line. Each accusing the other

of being on his property. The men had

been long time friends, member of the

same church, and holding offices side-by-

side. Neither were willing to admit he

was wrong. Reading the fine print on

the deed, John could not focus his eyes

on the small letters.


“Look, John, take my glasses,” offered

his friend. The gesture of kindness was

all the Holy Spirit needed to touch both

men’s hearts. Adjusting his spectacles,

John replied. “You know, Ben, that

boundary does look differently through

your glasses.” Too much is missed when

we look with malice and prejudice. “We

see the storm clouds and miss the rays of

sunlight; we see the grown- up world and

miss the child. We see our needs and miss

opportunities; we see circumstances and

overlook God’s blessings for His children.


A witness gave details of a traffic

accident. “How far were you? asked the

judge. “About six blocks.” replied the

witness. Amazed, the judge asked, “How

far can you see?” “I can see the moon,”

the man replied. Being able to see the

moon is not as important as being able

to see things that really matter a lot closer

to where we are.


Father, let my eyes focus today on the

sunshine, the flowers, and the little




For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.  1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV

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