Spiritual Environment

I would like to talk to you today about

Spiritual Environment. The environment

is necessary for living things. When a fish

is taken from the water, it dies. The water

is its environment. When one removes

the bird from the open air, it pines. When

man is removed from the presence of

God, he both pines and dies. God is man’s



Man is the only living thing that does not

seek out his own environment and what is

good for him. He is easily entrapped by

imitations and false lures. He is of all

creatures the most miserable.


A conversation was overheard in the

orchard, “Said the Robin to the sparrow, I

would really like to know why these

anxious human beings rush about and

worry so.” Replied the Sparrow, “Friend,

I think that it must be that they have no

Heavenly Father such as cares for you

and me.”


The world holds out false elements to the

unbeliever and to the believer. Do not be

deceived and think that material things

are necessary for your existence. God

offers all you need in Christ Jesus. He is

the Bread of life and Living water for the

spiritual hungry and the thirsty. He feeds

the little sparrow and clothes the lilies of

the field (Matthew 6:26-28). He lifts the

downtrodden and restores joy to the

believer. Praise him today. He cares for



Father, let the things of the world grow

strangely dim as I turn my eyes upon your

glory and grace.



Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.  But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.  Matthew 10:29-31 KJV

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