Seventy Times Seven

Book pages form a heart

I would like to talk to you today about

forgiving others. Saint Peter asked our

Lord, “How many times should I forgive

those who offend me? Till seven times?”

He thought such a generous number

would surely please our Lord. But Jesus

surprised the disciples with his answer.

“Not seven times, Peter, but seventy times

seven.” (Matthew 18:21-22).


Forgiveness without end. Forgiveness like

Jesus forgave. It flowed from him. It

flowed to the woman taken in adultery,

and it flowed into the religious life of

Nicodemus. It flowed to the thief on the

cross and it flowed to the woman at the

well. Do you find it hard to forgive



It will measure the believers

Christlikeness. If we harbor grudges,

jealousy, and unforgiveness, we destroy

ourselves physically, mentally, and

spiritually. You will never know the

peace, you will never know the joy, you

will never experience the blessings that

God wants you to have until you are able

to let the forgiving spirit of Christ flow

through your soul freely to others.


Are you having a problem forgiving

someone today? Perhaps we need to first

experience God’s forgiveness for an

attitude of unforgiveness. “Be kind one to

another, tenderhearted, forgiving one

another, even as God for Christ’s sake has

forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32).


Father, forgive me my trespasses that I

might be able to forgive those who

trespass against me.



For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:  But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.  Matthew 6:14-15 KJV

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