Life’s Rests

I would like to talk to you today

about resting. A music teacher

commented. “I listen all day to erratic

playing and off-key notes. What bothers

me most are the ‘rests ‘ which are ignored.”

Apparently, children cannot think of rests

as a part of music. If their fingers are not

working, they feel that nothing is happening.

We must not make the same mistake in our

Christian living. The frantic activity, the

hurried pace, the tenseness of our modern

living are sure signs that as while we are

working away at our little tunes, we are not

counting faithfully when the music calls for a



We have so much to do. We cannot stop for a

moment! And music goes out of our life.

Surely, we could never do all that Christ did,

yet our Lord found time in His life for

extended periods of prayer, for blessing

children and for attending a wedding feast.

He touched and blessed others in formal

teaching and daily encounters. But he did

not hurry.


He balanced the command, “Go and teach”

by saying, “Come apart and rest. Go work in

my vineyard” has his companion words,

“Abide in me.” Without the rests to observe,

life has no harmony for the believer. When

sickness or accident removes us from useful

work, remember the importance of rests.

Follow the conductor. Play the rest with

humility and balance. The parts that are

unimportant will fall into place and allow

praise and harmony to flow in our life.


Father, teach me to play the rests in my life



No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. I do not call you servants anymore, because a servant doesn’t know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have heard from my Father. John 15:13-15 CSB

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