Lesson of Gibeah

The lesson of Gibeah

Is not trivia

It is not a made up story

It is a factual event

With significance

Of His mindset

Similar to Sodom and Gomorrah

It reveals the cost of unchecked sin


A Levite was on a trip

He wouldn’t stop in a foreign land

He traveled late til he reached

A town of his own homeland

Gibeah of Benjamin Tribe would suffice

The Levite waited for help

At the center of town

Hospitality was finally afforded

But the townsmen tracked him down

With evil homosexual intent

They would not relent


In a questionable act

His concubine companion

Was reluctantly sent

The townsmen of Gibeah

Were relentless and ruthless

Dreadfully she didn’t survive

The sin at Gibeah


Even more gruesome

The Levite sent her parts

Throughout the land

A call to arms was alarmed

The perpetrators were demanded

But the Benjamite tribe doubled down

They protected their sin

They were willing to fight

For their homosexual, raping

And murdering brethren

They were not willing to surrender them

They intended no accountability for sin


The men of Israel inquired of God

They were His agents

But God tested their resolve

On the third day they did win

But victory came at a cost

Israel lost more men than did Benjamin

The nation paid a terrible price

For unchecked sin


It’s interesting to note that both

King Saul and Paul were

From the tribe of Benjamin

I have no doubt

That Paul learned well

The cost of unchecked sin

Caused by Benjamin

In the Lesson of Gibeah

Flee sexual immorality! Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the person who is sexually immoral sins against his own body. Don’t you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought at a price. So glorify God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 CSB

For this reason God delivered them over to disgraceful passions. Their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. The men in the same way also left natural relations with women and were inflamed in their lust for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in their own persons the appropriate penalty of their error. Romans 1:26-27 CSB

And because they did not think it worthwhile to acknowledge God, God delivered them over to a corrupt mind so that they do what is not right. They are filled with all unrighteousness, evil, greed, and wickedness. They are full of envy, murder, quarrels, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, arrogant, proud, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, senseless, untrustworthy, unloving, and unmerciful. Although they know God’s just sentence—that those who practice such things deserve to die—they not only do them, but even applaud others who practice them. Romans 1:28-32 CSB

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