
Lesson of Gibeah
In the Lesson of Gibeah, the Benjamite War illustrates the cost of unchecked sin when they would rather...
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Innocent Blood
In society, the majority rules and writes the laws to determine who lives and dies. The weakest are...
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Blood Required
God requires a blood sacrifice and the Old Testament sacrificial system foreshadowed Christ's ultimate...
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My Character Flaw
Until my salvation is completed I have a character flaw of sinful tendency within me but I also have...
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Persistent Debt
Sin is a persistent debt that follows us even after death. Jesus provides the only means to satisfy...
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Bath or a Wash Cloth?
As Christians, we need a wash cloth to remove our daily failings but unbelievers need a complete bath...
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Divorced From Sin
A Christian has been separated from their sin permanently as far as the east is from the west. Their...
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