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Another New Day
Another New Day is a prayer of blessing at the start of the day such that the day would be a filled with...
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Give Thanks
Ten lepers were healed but only one returned to give thanks and was saved that day. Clearly, Jesus expected...
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All I've Got
Jesus laid down His life for us and gave everything. Likewise, we need to give Him All I've Got.
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YOLO Doesn't Suffice
YOLO Doesn't Suffice. I want to live twice through Jesus Christ!
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Not Ashamed
I take my stand with Jesus who overcame the world and has the words of eternal life. I am not ashamed...
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Great Assembly
Imagine and anticipate the excitement of the Great Assembly of worship and praise
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My Support Team
It takes a village and we need a support team. Consider who else needs to be part of your support team...
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Avail Your Resources
Avail Your Resources provides real tips for consistent spiritual growth that I have found helpful
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Christmas is Settled
Christmas logistics require much planning. God thoroughly planned out His Christmas. Christmas is Settled!
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