Joy In The Lord

I would like to talk to you today about

joy in the Lord. There are three kinds of

joy for the believer. First, there is the Joy

of one’s own salvation. I have heard people

say “Let so and so do it, he has been a

Christian a long time” but I have found

that the old Christian has lost that first

love and the joy no longer overflows.


I like to see the bubbling over enthusiasm

of the new believer. John, the apostle could

write, “He has no greater joy than to see

his disciples walking in truth.” New

believers, walk in the light that you have,

and when you are old, you will still have

joy within. Happiness is caused by things

that happen around us, but real joy flows

in time of trouble.


One night, I helped pull two teenagers

from a car that had crashed near my home.

Both were dead at the scene. I had already

completed my devotion on praise. Later

that evening, I became burdened as I

thought about what I had written about

praise. I searched my heart and asked,

“Could I really praise God in this situation.

Can I really have joy in this circumstance?”

God’s spirit at once spoke within. “My child,

yes, you can trust me.” At that moment, the

joy of the Lord flooded my soul as I

understood just a little more of the joy

that God has available for the believer

in every circumstance.


Father, thank you for the heavenly joy

that passes earthly understanding.


Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.  Psalm 51:12 KJV

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