I Have Decided

Every moment consumed by intense regret

For all eternity

I cannot ever forget

Of what will never be


I came so close

Why didn’t I listen?

Why didn’t I repent?

I knew in my heart

I had a chance

It was my choice

Yet I chose by default

I ignored His voice

Maybe another day I would say

But that proved too far away

I refused the pardon

Said no thanks to the Gift

The window for mercy is shut

The door has been sealed

Too late to repent

I have decided

No turning back

No turning back


I’ll never know mercy that He died to provide

Guilty as charged

No way to pay

Yes, I did it my way


I’ll never know grace that he wished to impart

Heir of God

Co-heir with His Son

Glory of God


All out of reach


Now, my sin will never depart

Blemished and blotted

Why didn’t my friend do his part?

Why didn’t she make me listen?


An eternity of regret

Perishing without end

He is light and Light is not here

He is love and Love is not near

He is the Water of Life

And neither resides here

Oh the stench of rotten flesh

And unrighteousness

The flame is not quenched

The worm continually consumes

No friends or partying here

Fire and sulfur

Weeping and wailing

And gnashing of teeth

All proclaim doom

Forever and ever and ever


I can see at a distance a table

Not prepared for me

A feast for a king accordingly

Oh so close but yet so far

If only if only if only

His words ring out endlessly

Depart from Me

I never knew you

No turning back

No turning back

I Have Decided

Then he will also say to those on the left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels! Matt 25:41 CSB

Then I will announce to them, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you lawbreakers!’  Matt 7:23 CSB

Who needs to hear this?