
Welcome Home!
Tries to consider an amazing welcome from our Lord that could be awaiting a faithful believer as they...
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What's My Name?
God has named or provided new names to key individuals in scripture. God has also reserved a new name...
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Attempts to present the beauty of Heaven in the presence of His glory and the importance of being forgiven
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No Division
There is coming a day when Christians will be fully and truly united. Until then, unfortunately, divisions...
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Not A Fairy Tale
With a king and a sword on a white horse followed by an army, with the defeat of a dragon and marrying...
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The presence of Majesty

Displayed in Glory

For eternity

For the elect to see

Chosen before history

Nothing could be better


Angels will surround

No pain no sorrow

No letdowns

Tears will be wiped

A stone of white

Hidden manna

Renamed anew

No sickness no death

Our bodies replaced

Crowns dispensed


In His presence

To see His face

That will be glory!


We will bow down

And remove our crown

He is priority

To Him be all glory


No sun no moon

Nor darkness not dim

His radiance illuminates

Brighter than the sun

His glory with brilliance

No more night He’s the Light

No need for a temple

He’s there!

On the throne

Circled by a bow


Tree of Life also

The curse is lifted!

Removed from Eden

Now beside the throne

Bearing 12 fruits monthly

Bringing life continually

River of life flows from the throne

Eat and drink freely

To His glory


Everything made perfect

Not made by hands

It is the NEW Jerusalem!

High walls made of jasper

12 apostle foundations adorned with gems

12 Israel gates for tribes inscribed

Pearls always opened wide

Never closed Wonder why?

Death is defeated and satan disposed

Nothing impure will enter within

Refined by fire, gold as shiny as glass

Streets and walls made to last

Gold is the material of choice

Untold riches reflect His magnificence


Come all who will

Come eat and drink your fill

But wash your garments

Only use the gate

Nothing impure will enter within


And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4 KJV

Who needs to hear this?