Hearing God’s Voice

I would like to talk to you today about

hearing God’s voice. Are you waiting for

God to speak in a miraculous or

supernatural way and tell you what His

will is for your life? Many are bewildered

that he has not spoken as much.


We read how God appeared in miraculous

ways and with an audible voice in times

past and we conclude that He must deal

with us in the same way. Did He not

appear to Moses out of a burning bush

and in an audible voice made known his

exact will? Or you are waiting until He

calls your name as He did Samuel. He

appeared to Paul in a blinding light,

which shone with the brightness of the

noonday sun. Job exclaimed, “He guides

my footsteps in the depth of the night, he

opens the ears of men and seals their

instructions.” Job 33:15-16


Must we wait for such an unusual and

supernatural revelation before we can

respond to His will for our life? In fact, I

pray that God will need not use such

drastic means, less it be a sign that our

hearts have grown cold even if he should

reveal his will. Was not this the condition

of a rebellious heart in all these bible

persons? In Acts 16, in the story of Lydia,

God opened her heart through no great

emotional act, but through the quiet

intercession of the Holy Spirit with a still

small voice.


Father, Open the ears of our heart that we

may be prepared to hear and to answer

when you speak to us today.



My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:  And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.  John 10:27-28 KJV

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