Goals That Please God

I would like to talk to you today about

having more power with God. Nothing

burdens my heart more than seeing God’s

children struggling and entrapped by

material goals. Often, I can look into the

face of another and tell if they have the

peace of God.


I visited a lady who had worshipped with

us the Sunday before. As I entered her

home, I was aware of the beautiful

surroundings and the lovely furnishings.

Her hand swept the room as we spoke,

“My husband and I dreamed of such a

home when we were young. Now we have

everything, and I am the most unhappy

person in the world.” She began to weep as

I could only share with her the peace that

God gives.


The songwriter cautions, “Oh what peace we

often forfeit, oh what grief we often bear”

when our lives are out of tune with his will.

Do not seek to leave a noticeable mark on

this world, and our names may never be in

the Hall of Fame. What will it matter if we

live in a mansion or a cabin one hundred

years from now? Do not be controlled by

earthly goals which you have not yet

obtained. Let your vision rise above earthly

things. Make room for Jesus in your world.

Either He is Lord of all, or He is not Lord at



Father, lift our eyes above things of this

world, that the things of the world may grow

strangely dim.


But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:19 KJV

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