Four Lepers Eight Choices

Four lepers lived outside

With nothing to lose

Nothing to hide

Death if they stayed, possibility away

Hope did they choose

With nothing to lose


The famine will end the prophet has said

But the captain had doubted

God couldn’t do it, No truth about it

The prophet replied, You shall not imbibe


The four went their way

The camp was deserted!

Filled with good sway

They wanted to stay

They ate and they drank

THEIR famine had ended!

THEIR treasure to thank!


At home, good news was absent

Though God had provided

Famine had NOT subsided

The weight was too heavy

They could not bear

They returned home with

Good news to SHARE


The people had doubted

The king said, It’s a plot

News-  too good to keep

God’s provision beyond belief!

God had provided relief!


What’s your stance?

Has YOUR famine ended?

Are you hoarding Good News?

Maybe you’re famished and waiting?

Or calling it fake news?

Have no doubt

A Savior is here

Inheritance beyond measure

Life without end

Saved from my sin


Who needs to share?

Who needs to hear?

Send me!  Here, I am!


Four Lepers Eight Choices

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the herald, who proclaims peace, who brings news of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7 CSB

Who needs to hear this?