Following Jesus

I would like to talk to you today about

following Jesus. Have you ever envied

the rewards of another? Saint Peter felt

that way. Jesus had something for Peter

to do, and Peter was not sure he was

getting a fair ‘shake. ‘ Peter asked Jesus,

“What’s John going to be doing?” When

we are constantly concerned whether

others are doing at least as much or more,

then we have become full of pride and envy.


Some years ago, Dr C L Culpepper, beloved

missionary to China, spoke in our church.

He told a story of a dog trainer who held a

piece of meat in front of the dog until he

gave the command for his dog to retrieve

the meat. ‘What control and discipline!”

exclaimed the friend. “How do you keep

the dog from going for the meat before you

give the command?” Oh, that is easy” replied

the trainer. “The dog never looks at the meat

but keeps his eyes on me.”


That must be the secret of the believer.

Keeping your eyes on Jesus will not allow

the believer to follow others. They may be

honored while you are kept in the

background. Then to make your work still

more precious, He may let others get the

credit for the work you have done. If God

has called you to follow Him, He will draw

you into a life of sacrifice and humility. You

will not be able to follow anyone but Christ.


Father, help me keep my eyes on you even

when I do not understand your plan or your

way today.


Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.  Hebrews 12:2 KJV

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