Follow Me

Follow Me.  Follow Me.  Follow Me.

Jesus is liberal in His plea

From all walks many were invited

Some accepted others rejected

Eventual disciples selected

Peter, Andrew, James and John

Philip ‘specially sought

Tax collector Matthew not excepted

Count the costs

Come with urgency

Know the importance and finality

Carry your cross

No place to lay My head

No time to bury the dead

Why say, “good-bye”?

Put your hand to plow

Look straight ahead

Many are invited

But few are chosen


The rich young ruler was invited too

Follow Me

But earthly riches held him back

We don’t know with finality

But temporarily he chose poorly


Jesus requires priority

Where I am the servant will be

Deny yourself daily

Take up your cross with Me

Trade this life for eternity

Love Me more than family

Love Me more than prosperity

I am your priority

Follow the Shepherd

Know My voice

Safe in My hand

You made the right choice

You will be rewarded

Commitments only accepted

No excuses allowed

Weigh the cost to completion

Just like you were building a building

Or fighting a fight

Be all in

Race to the end

Never walk in darkness even at night

Don’t look left or right

As for you, follow the Light!

Follow Me

Then he said to them all, “If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me. Luke 9:23 KJV

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