First Response

Abraham’s first response

Was to plead and intercede

When destruction was decreed


Abraham was walking with God

Seeing Him off

When the Lord had shared

That Sodom would not be spared

The sin of the land was grievous

And cries had called to Him


Gomorrah was Sodom’s partner

And neither would prosper

In fact angels were headed that way

To confirm what had been heard


But Abraham at God’s side

Was in the right place

At the right time

Away from sin

With the audience of Him

To intercede for them


Six times he requested a stay

His basis was not just for family

He also considered God’s name

And let’s not forget that the wicked

Would benefit from time to repent


From fifty to forty-five

To forty to thirty to twenty

If only ten righteous were found

God would relent


You know the sad truth

Ten were not found

And destruction commenced

But not before four

Were spared

Led by the hand

Away from that evil land


How about you?

If you have been declared righteous

Through faith in Jesus’ name

You have the ear of God

Welcomed encouraged and coached

Come boldly before His throne


Intercede and plead

For those in need

Snatch them from the fire

Don’t sit in piety

Do what Abraham did

And give a First Response

And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because he intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8:27 CSB

And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. Jude 1:23 KJV

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