Crossing the Red Sea

Crossing the Red Sea

I would like to talk to you today about

crossing the Red Sea. Remember when

Pharoah finally let the children of Israel

go free into the Promise Land after four

hundred years of slavery? Pharoah then

had a change of heart and sent his army

to bring them again into his bondage.

With the Red Sea stretching before them

and the enemy gaining from behind,

Moses cried out to God and God simply

replied, “Stand Still.”


Got wanted them to know that saving

themselves was impossible.

Outnumbered and helpless, God wanted

them to know that salvation was in His

hands. Do you stand at a ‘Red Sea’ place

in your life today? Is the enemy behind

you and the waters lie before, and you see

no way through it? In this situation, God

again replies, “Stand Still.”


I stood at the edge of the Red Sea recently

as my son entered the hospital with

unknown conditions. After three weeks,

we still did not have an answer. By faith,

we kept our eyes on the Lord, knowing

that only He could part the Red Sea and

calm the waters. By faith, we knew that

God’s presence would destroy the enemy.

God says to you today, “Turn your

problems over to me. I have done it

before, and I will do it again for you.”

Thank Him when He simply says, “Stand



Father, teach me to keep my eyes upward

even in the midst of the most impossible




He rebuked the Red sea also, and it was dried up: so he led them through the depths, as through the wilderness.  And he saved them from the hand of him that hated them, and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy.  Psalm 106:9-10 KJV

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