Confessing Sin

I would like to talk to you today about

unconfessed sin in the life and heart

of the believer. St. Paul confessed

himself to be chief of sinners.  His sins

may not be all that obvious to us,

but God saw them. Before Paul met

the Lord, he loved God, but he was

deceived by his own interest and



I remember several years ago, about

midnight, a lady, who had been a

church member for many years,

called me to her home. “My husband is

deeply troubled,” she said. He confessed,

that night, that he had never

really confessed his sins or had known

peace with God. We prayed and

he received the peace he sought. The

next night, I received another

phone call, this time from the husband

who asked me to come and pray

with his wife. Each had hidden from

the other an empty heart for too

many years.


We recognize the need of the prodigal,

wayward son, but we cannot see

the miserable condition of the son who

stayed within the father’s house.

That son was filled with envy, pride,

and jealousy that needed to be

confessed. Are you hiding in your

Father’s house in this condition?

There is nothing on earth that will

oppress the spirit or distress the soul

more. If so, confess that sin and believe

that the father has forgiven you.


Father, see if there be any wicked way

within me and give me the

evidence of peace within. Amen.

No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. I do not call you servants anymore, because a servant doesn’t know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have heard from my Father. John 15:13-15 CSB

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