Challenge Blog

Live The Salt Life
Believers are the salt of the earth. Salt serves many purposes in life. We are encouraged to be salty...
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Jonah's Lesson
Learn Jonah's Lesson about neglecting the mission, being selfish, hoarding good news compared to God's...
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Out of the Fire
King Nebuchadnezzar challenged God and God walked with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in and Out of the...
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Lord Send Someone Else
God put Moses in the perfect place at the perfect time for a specific purpose but Moses asked God to...
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Trophy Tools
How has God equipped you? We need to put our tools to use and not let them become Trophy Tools that...
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Jesus is the Christ
Who sits at the head of your table? Who is on the throne of your life? Who calls the shots? Yes,...
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What If It Depended On You?
What would happen if you were the only Christian on earth? Would ministries still persist? Would the...
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What Comes Out?
We reap what we sow and the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart. We need to exercise control...
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Please Understand
Please Understand, I simply cannot condone or approve of your sin. My old opinion does not matter....
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