Contrasts the lengths we go to protect against life’s uncertainties compared to life’s certainties
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Contrasts the lengths we go to protect against life’s uncertainties compared to life’s certainties
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Our sin leaves a trail of bloody footprints that is visible to God. He sees, remembers and will call us to account. But there is a remedy to be clean through the blood of Jesus Christ.
Noah and his family entered the ark through one door on their way to safety. Likewise, God has provided only one gate (Jesus) for us.
Jesus advised to not be foolish by building on the sand but rather build on the Rock and to settle with our accuser before we get to the Judge
Ignore At Your Risk Read More »
Of the 10 virgins who THOUGHT they would go in, 5 were prepared and 5 were not. Be prepared and be alert because Jesus can return at any moment
Just as electrical outlets are all around us and have the capability to supply power, they are only useful if we actually plug into the power source. Jesus teaches us to plug into the source and abide with Him
Jesus sees our sin and understood the plot of the religious leaders who brought the woman caught in adultery
First Stone Never Thrown Read More »
Four lepers made the decision to share good news with others instead of keeping the news to themselves. Comparison is made to how we need to share good news and not keep it to ourselves.
Four Lepers Eight Choices Read More »
Jesus tirelessly made time for those who needed help. In the same way, we need to make time for those who need to hear and who need our help.
God offers us a pardon for our sins through Jesus Christ but we must accept His Son for the pardon to be valid. I Beg Your Pardon!