Hidden Jesus
It is sad to say that even in church, Jesus is oftentimes hidden from sight. Our main focus needs to be on Jesus.
It is sad to say that even in church, Jesus is oftentimes hidden from sight. Our main focus needs to be on Jesus.
Tries to consider an amazing welcome from our Lord that could be awaiting a faithful believer as they enter their eternal home in Heaven!
Aquatic parks warn their guests of areas where they are very likely to get soaked. In a similar way, be forewarned that visitors to this site are likely to get drenched!
Entering the Splash Zone Read More »
Our default condition is sin. We will continue in sin unless we turn to Jesus who is sinless.
Compares man’s plans for a messiah vs God’s Messiah. God knew our real need from before time began and sent His Son to meet our greatest need.
Explores the impossible standard of righteousness required when even our thoughtlife condemns us. Jesus is the only Way.
Impossible Standard Read More »
God has named or provided new names to key individuals in scripture. God has also reserved a new name for believers that is secret and written on a white stone.
Attempts to present the beauty of Heaven in the presence of His glory and the importance of being forgiven
There is coming a day when Christians will be fully and truly united. Until then, unfortunately, divisions persist
With a king and a sword on a white horse followed by an army, with the defeat of a dragon and marrying a bride followed by feast, and living happily ever after, the story of Heaven can sound a lot like a fairy tale (and vice versa).