Blood Required
God requires a blood sacrifice and the Old Testament sacrificial system foreshadowed Christ’s ultimate sacrifice.
God requires a blood sacrifice and the Old Testament sacrificial system foreshadowed Christ’s ultimate sacrifice.
Until my salvation is completed I have a character flaw of sinful tendency within me but I also have a down payment guarantee that what He started He will finish
Sin is a persistent debt that follows us even after death. Jesus provides the only means to satisfy our sin debt. For the believer, love is now our only persistent debt.
As Christians, we need a wash cloth to remove our daily failings but unbelievers need a complete bath in order to be made clean. Bath or a Wash Cloth?
Bath or a Wash Cloth? Read More »
A Christian has been separated from their sin permanently as far as the east is from the west. Their sin has been cast into the sea
God is our Creator and He reserves the right to determine how we use our bodies and how we interact with His creation. He has given us instruction in the Bible.
God used the Apostle Paul to breath scripture for our benefit. Consider that Paul recorded God’s very thoughts that are saved forever.
Believers are to take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. It is our only offensive weapon. We are to train with it extensively.
Wield the Sword Well Read More »
Satan has evil intentions for us but he was defeated at the cross. Satan’s destiny is already determined!