Double Iniquity
Israel was guilty of double iniquity. They abandoned God and then trusted in their own strength to avoid consequences.
Israel was guilty of double iniquity. They abandoned God and then trusted in their own strength to avoid consequences.
Live your life in such a way that when you are gone, you will be missed but that they also know how to greet again
Jesus approved Mary’s choice to learn and to spend time with Jesus over Martha’s choice to serve. Mary Chose Best
To the Christian, it might seem that we have already done everything we can to spread the gospel Yet There is Room. We need to be relentless regarding His mission
Considers the role of parents in providing example and Godly instruction for their children as Arrows from Our Quiver
Arrows from Our Quiver Read More »
A discussion of Judas Iscariot and his interaction with Jesus with special consideration of Jesus’ teachings
Being Pure Evil, this could be a pep talk that satan would deliver to his demons, recognizing that their time is short and that they need to act with urgency.
I want you to meet my Savior. Jesus is not just the Lord God Almighty. He is a personal friend who loves me. He prayed for me and died for me.
I Want You to Meet My Savior Read More »
In the Lesson of Gibeah, the Benjamite War illustrates the cost of unchecked sin when they would rather go to war to protect their sin than to bring the sinful to justice
In society, the majority rules and writes the laws to determine who lives and dies. The weakest are under attack and they are most vulnerable. God hates hands that shed innocent blood.