Trophy Tools
How has God equipped you? We need to put our tools to use and not let them become Trophy Tools that simply sit in a box.
How has God equipped you? We need to put our tools to use and not let them become Trophy Tools that simply sit in a box.
Who sits at the head of your table? Who is on the throne of your life?
Who calls the shots? Yes, Jesus is the Christ.
Jesus is the Christ Read More »
What would happen if you were the only Christian on earth? Would ministries still persist? Would the Gospel continue to spread? What If It Depended On You?
What If It Depended On You? Read More »
A look at the crucifixion that provokes consideration of what makes this event “good” and for whom? Good Friday?
Jesus took on flesh in Bethlehem but his origin is from antiquity past. He was present before time began in the Garden of Eden and will continue for all eternity.
God Will Provide makes the connection between Abraham/Isaac and God the Father/Jesus and God’s provision. Abraham was provided a ram but no substitute was provided for Christ.
We reap what we sow and the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart. We need to exercise control over our inputs and our outputs will align. What Comes Out?
I am truly blessed beyond measure to be married to a Godly wife and to have raised children and now to have grandchildren- (my children’s children)
I Am Truly Blessed Read More »
The world will always criticize me. The Christian needs to remember Who they serve and Whose approval they seek.
While on earth, Christians serve as ambassador for Christ. Our true citizenship is in Heaven. We need to represent Him well while here on earth.
Ambassador for Christ Read More »