I Have Decided
Tries to consider the unfathomable despair of being condemned to hell for eternity
Whether accepted or not, Jesus invited many people to follow Him. Jesus continues to invite us to follow Him.
Heaven will be so amazing and you definitely don’t want to miss out BUT beware that advance reservations are required
Reservations Required Read More »
Compares the end times harvest to Sheep/Goats, Wheat/Chaff, Good Fish/Bad Fish, and Crop/Weeds
The rules are simple. The contrast between satan and Jesus is night and day. We only have up to one lifetime to make an eternal choice.
Not Rocket Science Read More »
Jesus is not just the Lord God Almighty. He is a personal friend who loves me. He prayed for me and died for me. Please meet my friend.
JC4Life Jesus is Life. He is the Author of Life, our Creator. He lived a perfect life and laid it down. He is the Resurrection and took up His life again. He came to seek and to save and to give us eternal life. I will live my life for Him until he returns.
My blessing and wish for you is that you would come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ and that you would mature in faith, service, obedience, influence for the Kingdom of God and that you will hear the Master say, “Well done!”