Agape Love

I would like to talk to you today about

agape love. We can understand the love

of a husband for his wife or the love of

a mother for her son. But God’s love is

even greater than these.


A story is told of a young girl who had

left home at an early age, moved to the

city where she lived a life of degradation.

The mother did not hear from her daughter

for years before she returned home. Seeing

the lights on, she became frightened,

wondering if mother was ill. As she placed

her hand on the latch, the door opened. “Is

that you, Sis,” called a voice. “Why is the

light burning?” asked the daughter, “I

thought you were ill.” “No,” replied mother.

“The light has never been out and the door

never locked.” Agape love is like that.


The Bible tells us that God’s spirit hovers

over us like a hen hovering over her chicks.

The Scripture says that the goodness of

God draws us to him when we are unlovable.

Jesus searched Peter’s heart with “Peter,

lovest thou me?”


I heard of a judge who had sentenced a

young man to a life of hard labor for his

crimes. As the judge read the sentence,

an elderly mother rushed to her son, weeping,

and kissing his worn face until it was covered

with tears and every soul in the courtroom,

weeping. God’s love is even greater toward

one who strays from the love of the Father.


Father, search my heart that your love might

flow through me to others.


“‘Son,’ he said to him, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’”  Luke 15:31-32 CSB

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