
I Wonder
I wonder that in any given crowd, some are probably saved and some are probably not. We are to mingle...
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Reality Worse Than A Nightmare
We are to be like the birds and flowers and not worry but we are also to seek first the Kingdom of God...
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Moment That Divides
Jesus is the dividing moment in time and in life. Scholars can try to secularize but Jesus is THE moment...
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Overwhelmingly Sad
Explores the situation reversal between the rich man and Lazarus with emphasis on the Overwhelmingly...
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Noah's Gate
Noah and his family entered the ark through one door on their way to safety. Likewise, God has provided...
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Ignore At Your Risk
Jesus advised to not be foolish by building on the sand but rather build on the Rock and to settle with...
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Are You Ready?
Of the 10 virgins who THOUGHT they would go in, 5 were prepared and 5 were not. Be prepared and be alert...
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I Have Decided
Tries to consider the unfathomable despair of being condemned to hell for eternity
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The Harvest
Compares the end times harvest to Sheep/Goats, Wheat/Chaff, Good Fish/Bad Fish, and Crop/Weeds
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